
Monday, October 8, 2012

Caring for ABy

I know just what my darling little ABy needs after a long, hard day. You just come on home to mommy and let me pamper and care for you. I'll put you in a fresh new diaper and a soft and cozy onesie. And then you can climb on up on mommy's lap and snuggle up for some of mommy's yummy milk and a gentle rub over the front of your diaper. I'll sing you a sweet song while you suckle away until you drift off to sleep in my arms.
I know just how to take care of my ABies at the end of the day!

Mommy Lizabeth 1.888.938.7382 1.99 a minute, 2.50 connection fee (US/Canada) 2.99 a minute, 2.00 connection fee (International) (International Number 011+1-714-442-2402) Must be 18+ to call with a valid Credit Card, Debit Card, or Gift Card that bare the following logos: Visa, Master Card, Discover. All calls billed as ME LLC